innovate exploring the metaverse

3D Virtual environment of innovate live office

The Innovate Live team has spent the past couple of weeks doing what they do best: exploring new technology so that we can broaden our offering to you, our production partners.

As it turns out, it’s now easier than ever to create bespoke virtual worlds to enable collaboration, communication and entertainment. With this technology, we can help you host meetings in branded rooms, create games that offer prizes in the real world and even integrate with existing broadcast systems. We’ve experimented with accessing these worlds in VR, AR and flat screen so it can always be accessible regardless of hardware.

If you fancy dipping your toe into the virtual world - whether it be for a meeting or for fun - feel free to get in touch. We at Innovate Live are always happy to chat things through and see what works best for you!

3D Virtual environment of innovate live office
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